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Yu-2019-基于空间句法组构分类的沿街建筑形态控制方法 [复制链接]

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楼主  发表于 2021-01-09 23:31  

Study on the control method of the form of street buildings based on

the classification via space syntax configuration



Yu Wenshuang1;Pan Bo2;Zhu Lingyun3;Yu Qinman4;Tang Lian5

School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University



KEYWORDS Street Space, Street Buildings, Space Syntax, urban design, activities in street space



本文来自于第十二届空间句法北京会议,文件夹Urban Morphology”,序号128







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沙发  发表于 2021-01-09 23:32   楼主



As an important part of urban space, street space has become the urban living place where multifunctional activities happen with the development of history. based on the role and position of the street space in cities, it is important for urban designers to set up the principles for the setback, form and function of the buildings along the street, thus take optimization control of the spatial form.



However, in China, the control of the street building forms can mainly meet the basic needs of traffic and safety. The methods and principles for controlling for perception or suitability for activities have hardly been established, especially according to different functions or different locations of the streets. Space syntax, known as a scientific and mature approach, can be used to describing the relationship between street space and the whole or local city configuration. 



Thus this paper takes the calculated value of space syntax as a classification standard, then analyzes the morphological characteristics of street buildings, the distribution of activities alongside the streets of different types. Estimation methods are created and optimization strategy is put forward.



Firstly, street space is classified according to the connectivity value of the road network in Nanjing core urban areas based on space syntax. Then four typical streets are selected as a sample. They are investigated and portrayed in detail with respect to the location, height and function of the buildings alongside them, also including people`s activities on the urban ground floor and so on. Thirdly, the visual perception of street samples (streetscape), the use and distribution of street space, the frequency and density of human activities are evaluated based on existing methods. After comparing the evaluation results of different types and taking the high quality street space as a reference, suggestions are given for further optimization of different kinds of street space. This paper preliminarily demonstrates that it is valid to take the space syntax calculated value as a classification standard when it comes to street spatial morphological optimization.


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藤椅  发表于 2021-01-09 23:33   楼主



[1] TANG Lian, DING Wowo. Streetwall and Plot Pattern: Case studies in Nanjing, China. [C]//The 25nd Conference International Seminar on Urban Form,Krasnoyarsk, 2018.

[2] TANG Lian, Miao Jiaojiao, DING Wowo. Morpho-based Study on Urban Street Spatial Configuration:The Case of Nanjing City, China[C]//The 24nd Conference International Seminar on Urban Form,Valencia, 2017a.

[3] TANG Lian, MIAO Jiaojiao,DING Wowo. Building as Street Interface: Case Studies in Nanjing, China[C]// UIA 2017 Seoul World Architects Congress,Seoul, 2017b.

[4] Los Angeles City Planning Commission. Downtown Design Guide of Los Angeles [S]. Los Angeles : Los Angeles City Planning Commission, 2009.

[5] City of Boston. Boston Complete Streets-Design Guideline [R].Boston: City of Boston,2013.

[6] Chicago Department of Transportation. Complete Streets Chicago-Design Guidelines [R]. Chicago: Chicago Department of Transportation,2013.

[7] City of Philadelphia. Complete Street Design Handbook [R]. Philadelphia: City of Philadelphia, 2017.

[8] Shanghai city planning and land resources administration, guidelines for Shanghai urban streets design[R]. Shanghai: Shanghai city planning and land resources administration,2016.

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板凳  发表于 2021-01-09 23:34   楼主


1. 利用空间句法的方式,探究街道尺度中商业业态的布局特征和原因

2. 通过实地调研和模型分析的方式,探究沿街界面(Streetwall)的异同、特征规律,并进一步对沿街界面的改造提升、形态优化做进一步引导

3. 从建筑退界、形态营造和功能植入3个角度出发,对街道空间的设计提出更深入的思考

马扎  发表于 2021-01-27 16:48

