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EMAN ZIED-2019-验证干预城市结构方法的合理性 [复制链接]

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楼主  发表于 2020-12-15 16:40  

EMAN ZIED-2019-验证干预城市结构方法的合理性


Testing the rationalisation of the urban fabric as an intervention method in Cairo, Egypt





Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom



KEYWORDS:Space Syntax, Informal Settlements, Urban Planning,Rationalisation,Urban Morphology


本文来自于第十二届空间句法北京会议,文件夹“Urban Morphology”,





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沙发  发表于 2020-12-15 16:41   楼主




Self-generated informal settlements in Cairo are the product of incremental decisions which lead to a gradual aggregation of buildings that form urban blocks (Sioufi, 1981). The resulting block shapes and sizes may be suitable for meeting an individual’s needs for housing but may not meet the community’s needs for amenities that have a larger area. The street network is partially the product of building aggregation and therefore is unplanned and may not meet the community’s needs. This paper argues that minor urban interventions can be used to alleviate some of the issues that informal settlements face such as over-crowdedness and lack of access to the city.




based on previous work by Zied and Vialard in Cairo (2017) this study uses a two-pronged approach to develop a holistic intervention plan for informal settlements in Cairo, rationalizing the urban fabric by consolidating urban blocks to increase their resilience and optimizing the street network to improve connectivity and integration both within the settlement and to the wider urban fabric of Cairo. This type of informed intervention may improve community living standards and allow the settlement to develop into a functional neighbourhood that can be incorporated into the wider urban fabric.


based on measures tested and developed in the work of Colaninno et al in Barcelona (2011) and Song and Knaap in Portland (2007) this study firstly analyses self-generated urban blocks in terms of their shape and size, then explores how self-generated blocks can be consolidated. This study will then analyse the street network (Hillier and Hanson, 1989) then improve the syntactic structure of settlements and reconnect it to the city super-grid (Peponis et al., 2015). Interventions are developed and tested then compared to the initial state of the settlement to establish which is most beneficial to the settlement.



The case studies selected are as follows:

1. Informal Growth on agricultural land -Ard El Lewa, Dar El Salam

2. Historic District –Mit Uqba and Medieval Cairo


1. 农业用地的非正式增长 -  Ard El Lewa, Dar El Salam

2. 历史区 – Mit Uqba and Medieval Cairo


The methodology of this study uses two urban morphology measures; square compactness (Maceachren, 1985; Steadman et al., 2000) which measures the block’s deviation from a square, and elongation (Angel et al., 2010; Schumm, 1956) which uses the longest axis of the shape to measure its deviation from a circle. The urban block measures show the size and shape of blocks to assess their suitability and functionality in the urban fabric. The area and perimeter of the block will also be considered according to the proposed intervention. The axial analysis will be used to analyse the street network and visualise the integration core and syntactic structure of the settlement (Hillier, 1999; Hillier and Hanson, 1989) in order to rationalise the street network.

本研究的方法使用了两种城市形态测量方法:平方紧度(Maceachren,1985;Steadman等人,2000),它测量街区的偏离量和伸长率(Angel等人,2010年;Schumm,1956年),即它使用形状的最长轴测量其与圆的偏差。城市街区测量显示街区的大小和形状,以评估其在城市结构中的适用性和功性能。此外,当局亦会根据建议的干预措施,考虑该街区的面积及周长,并利用轴向分析方法分析街道网络,并可视化住区的整合核心和句法结构(Hillier,1999;Hillier and Hanson,1989),以合理化街道网络。


Results indicate that minor interventions cause an acceptable improvement in the syntactic structure and block measures of the settlement, and can be enough to improve the settlement and reconnect it to the wider urban fabric. Urban blocks can be consolidated to accept functions which require a large area, but since the existing blocks often contain housing and streets create crucial access points, a holistic intervention plan (Levy, 1999) should be developed that consolidates blocks and widens and reroutes streets to improve the urban fabric without disrupting the existing structure.


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藤椅  发表于 2020-12-15 16:46   楼主



Abouseif, D., 2007. Cairo of the Mamluks: A History of Architecture and Its Culture. I.B.Tauris, London ; New York : New


Angel, S., Parent, J., Civco, D.L., 2010. Ten compactness properties of circles: measuring shape in geography: Ten

compactness properties of circles. Can. Geogr. Géographe Can. 54, 441–461. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1541-


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http://web.archive.org/web/20160808214015/http://www.cairo.gov.eg/areas/Lists/List1/DispForm.aspx?ID=40 (accessed


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Int. Res. Placemaking Urban Sustain. 9, 254–275. https://doi.org/10.1080/17549175.2015.1009845

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informal settlements. Urban Des. Int. 5, 61–96.

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Gerhard Haase-Hindenberg, Gundula Löffler, Jürgen Stryjak, Julia Gerlach, Manal el-Jesri, Martin Fink, Nahla M. el-Sebai,

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Hidden Potentials. Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas framework, Cairo.

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Space Syntax Symposium, Istanbul: ITU Faculty of Architecture. pp. 034–1.

Levy, A., 1999. Urban morphology and the problem of the modern urban fabric: some questions for research. Urban Morphol.3.

Maceachren, A.M., 1985. Compactness of Geographic Shape: Comparison and evaluation of Measures. Geogr. Ann. Ser. B

Hum. Geogr. 67, 53–67. https://doi.org/10.2307/490799

Mohamed, A.A., Van Nes, A., Salheen, M.A., Khalifa, M.A., Hamhaber, J., 2014. Understanding urban segregation in Cairo:

The social and spatial logic of a fragmented city, in: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the CIB Middle East

and North Africa Research Network" Smart, Sustainable and Healthy Cities", Abu Dhabi,(UAE), 14-16 December 2014. CIB

Middle East and North Africa Research Network.

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Nawar, L., Al-Qattat, H., 2008. Slums in the Egyptian Governorates. The Egyptian Cabinet, Centre of Decision Making and

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Peponis, J., Feng, C., Green, D., Haynie, D., Kim, S.H., Sheng, Q., Vialard, A., Wang, H., 2015. Syntax and parametric analysis

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Peponis, J., Park, J., Feng, C., 2017. Diversity and scale in superblock design. Urban Des. - Sch. Archit. Univ. 5.

Perry, C., 1929. The neighborhood unit. Natl. Munic. Rev. 18, 636–637. https://doi.org/10.1002/ncr.4110181012


NEW JERSEY. GSA Bull. 67, 597–646. https://doi.org/10.1130/0016-7606(1956)67[597:EODSAS]2.0.CO;2

Sims, D., 2010. Understanding Cairo: The Logic of a City Out of Control. American University in Cairo Press.

Sioufi, M.M., 1981. Urbanization of agricultural land : informal settlements in Cairo (Thesis). Massachusetts Institute of


Song, Y., Knaap, G.-J., 2007. Quantitative Classification of Neighbourhoods: The Neighbourhoods of New Single-family

Homes in the Portland Metropolitan Area. J. Urban Des. 12, 1–24. https://doi.org/10.1080/13574800601072640

Steadman, P., Bruhns, H.R., Holtier, S., Gakovic, B., Rickaby, P.A., Brown, F.E., 2000. A Classification of Built Forms.

Environ. Plan. B Plan. Des. 27, 73–91. https://doi.org/10.1068/bst7

Tadamun, 2013. Mīt `Uqba. Tadamun. URL http://www.tadamun.info/?post_type=city&p=260&lang=en (accessed 11.17.16).

UNESCO, 2017. Historic Cairo [WWW document]. UNESCO World Herit. Cent. URL http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/89/

(accessed 1.3.19).

Vialard, A., 2013. A typology of block-faces.

Vialard, A., 2012. Measures of the Fit Between Street Network, Urban Blocks and Building Footprints. Atlanta Ga. Insitute

Technol. Tillgäng. Pa Internet Httpwww Sss8 Clmediauploadpaginasseccion81011 Pdf.

Zied, E., Vialard, A., 2017. Syntactic Stitching: Towards a Better Integration of Cairo’s Urban Fabric, in: Heitor, T., Serra,

M., Pinelo Silva, J., Bacharel, M., Cannas da Silva, L. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Space Syntax Symposium.

Presented at the 11th International Space Syntax Symposium, Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon.

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板凳  发表于 2020-12-15 16:55   楼主




Abouseif, D., 2007. Cairo of the Mamluks: A History of Architecture and Its Culture. I.B.Tauris, London ; New York : New York.

Angel, S., Parent, J., Civco, D.L., 2010. Ten compactness properties of circles: measuring shape in geography: Ten compactness properties of circles. Can. Geogr. Géographe Can. 54, 441–461. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1541- 0064.2009.00304.x

Arandel, C., El Batran, M., 1997. The informal housing development process in Egypt. University College, London, Development Planning Unit.

CAPMAS, 2016. Districts - District of Dar El Salam [WWW document]. URL http://web.archive.org/web/20160808214015/http://www.cairo.gov.eg/areas/Lists/List1/DispForm.aspx?ID=40 (accessed 1.3.19).

Carpenter, A., Peponis, J., 2010. Poverty and Connectivity. J. Space Syntax 1, 108-120–120. Colaninno, N., Roca, J., Pfeffer, K., 2011. Urban form and compactness of morphological homogeneous districts in Barcelona: towards an automatic classification of similar built-up structures in the city (No. ersa11p769), ERSA conference papers. European Regional Science Association.

Deboulet, A., 1994. Vers un urbanisme d’émanation populaire : compétences et réalisations des citadins : l’exemple du Caire. Hegazy, I.R., 2016. Informal settlement upgrading policies in Egypt: towards improvement in the upgrading process. J. Urban. Int. Res. Placemaking Urban Sustain. 9, 254–275. https://doi.org/10.1080/17549175.2015.1009845

Hillier, B., 1999. Centrality as a process: accounting for attraction inequalities in deformed grids. Urban Des. Int. 4, 107–127.

Hillier, B., Greene, M., Desyllas, J., 2000. Self-generated Neighbourhoods: the role of urban form in the consolidation of informal settlements. Urban Des. Int. 5, 61–96.

Hillier, B., Hanson, J., 1989. The Social Logic of Space. Cambridge University Press.

Hillier, B., Stoner, T., 2010. SPACE SYNTAX -STRATEGIC URBAN DESIGN. City Plan. Inst. Jpn. Future of Urban Space and Humanity.

Howeidy, A., Dina K. Shehayeb, Edgar Göll, Khaled Mahmoud AbdelHalim, Marion Séjourné, Mona Gado, Elena Piffero, Gerhard Haase-Hindenberg, Gundula Löffler, Jürgen Stryjak, Julia Gerlach, Manal el-Jesri, Martin Fink, Nahla M. el-Sebai, Regina Kipper, Sarah Sabry, Verena Liebel, William Cobbett, 2009. Cairo’s Informal Areas: Between Urban Challenges and Hidden Potentials. Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas framework, Cairo

Jacobs, J., 1993. The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Vintage Books ed edition. ed. Vintage Books, New York. Karimi, K., Amir, A., Shafiei, K., Raford, N., Abdul, E., Zhang, J., Mavridou, M., 2007. EVIDENCE-baseD SPATIAL INTERVENTION FOR REGENERATION OF INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS, in: Proceedings of the Sixth International Space Syntax Symposium, Istanbul: ITU Faculty of Architecture. pp. 034–1.

Levy, A., 1999. Urban morphology and the problem of the modern urban fabric: some questions for research. Urban Morphol. 3.

Maceachren, A.M., 1985. Compactness of Geographic Shape: Comparison and evaluation of Measures. Geogr. Ann. Ser. B Hum. Geogr. 67, 53–67. https://doi.org/10.2307/490799

Mohamed, A.A., Van Nes, A., Salheen, M.A., Khalifa, M.A., Hamhaber, J., 2014. Understanding urban segregation in Cairo: The social and spatial logic of a fragmented city, in: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the CIB Middle East and North Africa Research Network" Smart, Sustainable and Healthy Cities", Abu Dhabi,(UAE), 14-16 December 2014. CIB Middle East and North Africa Research Network.

Nagati, O., Elgendy, N., 2013. Ard al-Liwa Project: Towards a New Urban Order and Mode of Professional Practice. Planum J. Urban. 1.

Nawar, L., Al-Qattat, H., 2008. Slums in the Egyptian Governorates. The Egyptian Cabinet, Centre of Decision Making and Support, Cairo.

Peponis, J., Feng, C., Green, D., Haynie, D., Kim, S.H., Sheng, Q., Vialard, A., Wang, H., 2015. Syntax and parametric analysis of superblock patterns. J. Space Syntax 6, 109–141.

Peponis, J., Park, J., Feng, C., 2017. Diversity and scale in superblock design. Urban Des. - Sch. Archit. Univ. 5. Perry, C., 1929. The neighborhood unit. Natl. Munic. Rev. 18, 636–637. https://doi.org/10.1002/ncr.4110181012

Schumm, S.A., 1956. EVOLUTION OF DRAINAGE SYSTEMS AND SLOPES IN BADLANDS AT PERTH AMBOY, NEW JERSEY. GSA Bull. 67, 597–646. https://doi.org/10.1130/0016-7606(1956)67[597:EODSAS]2.0.CO;2

Sims, D., 2010. Understanding Cairo: The Logic of a City Out of Control. American University in Cairo Press.

Sioufi, M.M., 1981. Urbanization of agricultural land : informal settlements in Cairo (Thesis). Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Song, Y., Knaap, G.-J., 2007. Quantitative Classification of Neighbourhoods: The Neighbourhoods of New Single-family Homes in the Portland Metropolitan Area. J. Urban Des. 12, 1–24. https://doi.org/10.1080/13574800601072640

Steadman, P., Bruhns, H.R., Holtier, S., Gakovic, B., Rickaby, P.A., Brown, F.E., 2000. A Classification of Built Forms. Environ. Plan. B Plan. Des. 27, 73–91. https://doi.org/10.1068/bst7

Tadamun, 2013. Mīt `Uqba. Tadamun. URL http://www.tadamun.info/?post_type=city&p=260&lang=en (accessed 11.17.16).

UNESCO, 2017. Historic Cairo [WWW document]. UNESCO World Herit. Cent. URL http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/89/ (accessed 1.3.19).

Vialard, A., 2013. A typology of block-faces.

Vialard, A., 2012. Measures of the Fit Between Street Network, Urban Blocks and Building Footprints. Atlanta Ga. Insitute Technol. Tillgäng. Pa Internet Httpwww Sss8 Clmediauploadpaginasseccion81011 Pdf.

Zied, E., Vialard, A., 2017. Syntactic Stitching: Towards a Better Integration of Cairo’s Urban Fabric, in: Heitor, T., Serra, M., Pinelo Silva, J., Bacharel, M., Cannas da Silva, L. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Space Syntax Symposium. Presented at the 11th International Space Syntax Symposium, Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon.

马扎  发表于 2021-01-19 16:44

