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WENZHI HUANGFU-2019-看与被看的社会逻辑 [复制链接]

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楼主  发表于 2020-12-02 18:41  



        Understanding A Social Logic based On Asymmetry Of Single Visual Interaction (ASVI) In Built Space And Its Application In Space Analysis




        KEYWORDS : Syntactic  Model,  Asymmetry  of  Single  Visual  Interaction,  Behavior  Cognition,  Visual  Integrity, Visual Continuity 

       【关键词】      句法模型                不对称单视觉交互ASVI                                   行为认知                     视觉完整性           视觉连续性

本文来自于第十二届空间句法北京会议,文件夹“New Technology”,序号52


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沙发  发表于 2020-12-02 18:45   楼主


Visual  interaction  refers to  action  of  seeing  and  being  seen  among  human individuals  in  physical space.


This  phenomenon,  by  arousing  individual’s  awareness  of  being  co-present  with  others,  has been  broadly  demonstrated  in  relevant  sociology  and  environment  psychology  to  have  significant influence  on  shaping  interpersonal  behavior  in  space. 


Established  upon  these,  visibility  graph  (De Floriani et al.,1994), usually represented by unblocked edges between vertices, is of interest to space syntax model because it diagrammatizes the condition whether pairs of sampled viewer locations are mutually visible thus interplaying in particular space.

建立在这些之上,通常用未封闭的点与边线来表示的可视化图表(De Floriani 等人,1994)是空间句法的兴趣点,因为它图解一些条件,是否对采样的观察者位置相互可见,从而相互作用在特定的空间。

The  main  argument of  this  paper  is,  although  such  visibility  property  spatially  preconditions  all visual-interaction  based  psychosocial  effects,  some  dualistic  psychosocial  effects  which  a  space location  may  arouse,  including  the  role  sense  of  disciplined  or  disciplining  in  Foucault's  social discipline  theory  (1975),  the  behavior  preference  of  self-performing  or  spectating  in  Goffman's dramaturgical  analysis  (1956)  and  the  feeling  of  security  or  insecurity  in  Appleton’s  prospect-refuge theory  (1975)  and  crime-prevention  research  (Fisher  and  Nasar,1992),  are  more  closely  related  to  a collection  of  asymmetry  property  in  its  every  realizable  visual  connection. 


Such  asymmetry  derives from  different  capacities  between  two  mutually  visible  individuals  in  accurately  cognizing  behavior content  of  each  other  in  respective  scene,  in  other  words,  the  differentiated  behavior  cognition conditions  between  seeing  others  and  being  seen  by  others  that  an  individual  in  space  can  perceive.


For instance, the side enabling an individual to more easily cognize behavior content of another side/ can arouse a stronger sense of disciplining, spectating, and security in such interaction.


 However, the existing  relevant  syntactic  measurements  focus  more  on  either  the  macroscopic  asymmetry  of  social interaction  or  the  asymmetrical  visual  condition  in  holistic  space,  while  such  locally  Asymmetry  in Single Visual Interaction (ASVI) has less been examined and modeled, thus leaving a potential gap in understanding those specific psychosocial effects in space.

然而,现有的相关句法度量,更加关注社会互动的宏观不对称,或处于整体空间中不对称的视觉条件,而这样的片面的不对称单视觉交互 (ASVI),更少地被审查和建模,因此留下了一个潜在的分歧在理解这些对空间的特定的社会心理影响。

On  this basis,  we,  through  empirical  induction  and  cognition  paradigms  reasoning,  extract  the differentiated  visual  integrity  and  continuity  of  respective  scenes  as  two  crucial  spatio-configuration factors in shaping ASVI.


Then an alternative ASVI–based syntactic model is developed. To elaborate how  the  model  can  be  used,  the  paper  presents:  (i)  the  abstraction  method  of  architectural  plan  as input data; (ii) a bidirectional computing method for measuring active(seeing) and passive(being seen) degree  of  every  space  location  in  its  visual  interaction  with  both  single  visible  vertex  and  all  visible vertices, and how this can be implemented by Rhino Grasshopper; (iii) the double-value visualization representation  and  social  implication  of  such  output  values;  (iv)  some  practical  limitations  of  the model.

就此,提出了一种可供选择的基于ASVI的句法模型。为了详细说明如何使用该模型,本文提出: (i) 建筑平面图抽象化作为输入数据;(ii) 一种双向计算方法,用于测量每个空间位置在与单个可见顶点和所有可见顶点的视觉交互中的积极(看到)和消极(被看到)程度,以及Rhino Grasshopper如何实现这一点;(iii)输出值的双值可视化表征及其社会意义;(iv)模型的一些实际局限性。

Finally, a case study of Adolf Loos’ Moller House is conducted for testing the model’s validity and  its  advantage  in  describing  relevant  perceptual  space  qualities  which  are  commonly  narrated  in academic literatures

最后,以Adolf Loos Moller House这个研究案例,检验学术文献中经常提到的模型的有效性以及在描述相关感知空间质量方面的优势。



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藤椅  发表于 2020-12-02 18:53   楼主


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