Cities are magnet for people and their center area physical representation of the political and economic power of a society. Downtowns are places where objects and ideas converge,also acting as a balance for the urban structure organization: they attract flows and uses,presenting higher levels of vitality.
城市吸引着人们,他们的中心区域代表着一个社会的政治和经济力量。 市中心是物体和思想交汇的地方,也是一个城市结构组织的核心,它们吸引流动和使用,使得整个城市呈现出更高层次的活力。
The city of Teresina ,in the state of Brazil,has been the target of several projects intending to increase the efficiency of its urban physical space. The settlement, however,experience an urban sprawl process which results in a poor general connectivity scenario,high levels of urban voids and emergence of more distant neighborhoods far away from downtown.The effects are pronounced in mobility,generating direct and indirect impacts on the costs of transportation, housing and food: the quality of life progressively is reduced.Besides that, the proximity between Teresina and Timon, in the state of Maranhao,generates a complex dynamic that must be taken into account in any urban planning action.
在巴西的Teresina,有几个项目的目标是增加城市物理空间的效率, 然而这些定居点经历了城市扩张过程,导致了匮乏的场景连接、高程度的城市空洞,并且出现了远离市中心的更远的社区。这些变化造成的影响主要表现在流动性方面,也直接和间接影响到了运输、住房和粮食的成本,使得居民生活质量逐渐降低。此外,马拉尼昂州的Teresina和Timon之间的邻近关系产生了一种复杂的动态,这一点在任何城市规划行动中都必须加以考虑 。
based on these premises,the paper analysis the configuration of Teresina-Timon urban system from the point of view of Space Syntax approach,observing the urban expansion along the period 2010-2018,as well as analyses the subsystems, based on the administrative division.The city center, which belongs to the northern administrative region, is also investigated as a subsystem, since it is an area that is currently target of many projects to promote its vitality.
Results have suggested that the geography of the urban site interferes in the configuration of the regions,and that the growing increasing distances from downtown to others areas give rise to many emerging centralities. It has also been noted that the center of Teresina presents better Space Syntax performance when compared to other regions and the system as a whole. The analysis allows a better global-local comprehension,highlighting how the configurational perspective can support future projects.