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CHEN YANG-2019-形态空间句法的新视角与数据整合 [复制链接]

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楼主  发表于 2020-12-15 22:39  








Space Syntax, Open data, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), Pedestrian Movement Pattern,


关键字开放数据; 多准则决策分析(MCDA); 行人运动模式 ;中国


本文来自于第十二届空间句法北京会议,文件夹New Technology”,序号82


论文下载链接 http://www.12sssbeijing.com/proceedings/



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沙发  发表于 2020-12-15 22:39   楼主




The research on urban form and its related socio-economic activities have been undertaken for long,while the evolution of research approaches and tools are limited by the conventional medium such as maps to interpret the built environment. Emerging new urban data has equipped urban morphologists with innovative datasets for urban form studies.



This paper aims to explore the relationship between urban form, and human movement flows through a new perspective, which integrates quantitative data generated from space syntax with new urban data in GIS using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA).



Xi’an, as one of the most renowned historic cities in China, is selected as the case since the city has undergone an unprecedented transformation of urban form in recent years.



In this study, the space syntax model of Xi’an is built primarily based on the OpenStreetMap (OSM) with further refinement by the Baidu Map. The Point of Interest (POI) data acquired from the Baidu Map API serves as the main datasets for the criterion of MCDA.

本研究主要基于OpenStreetMap (OSM)构建西安市的空间句法模型,并通过百度地图进行细化。从百度地图API获取的POI数据作为MCDA标准的主要数据集。


The social data of human movement flow is gathered by the gate observation in three representative areas in Xi’an. The correlation analysis with observation data is employed to compare the result of original space syntax analysis and MCDA.



The findings suggest that the new perspective can facilitate the quantifying process and enhance the comprehensive understanding of urban form. based on the research, recommendations for further studies and urban planning of Xi’an are discussed.


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藤椅  发表于 2020-12-15 22:39   楼主



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板凳  发表于 2021-01-19 16:22

