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ShanshanWu—2019—车站复杂建筑中的行人运动映射 [复制链接]

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楼主  发表于 2021-02-02 10:56  

Pedestrian movement study is one crucial attempt in investigating the mechanism of walking and

walking behaviour. Previous studies have developed two kinds of explorative methodologies. The first

kind is the network-based models. The most famous one is space syntax (Hillier, n.d.), which

constructs the street network based on urban spatial configuration. The methodology was widely

adopted in evaluating the relationship between built environment and pedestrian movement (Foltˆ &

Piombini, 2007; Lerman, Rofè, & Omer, 2014). Similar methods such as GIS network analysis (Ozbil,

2017) and social network analysis (Chen & Chang, 2015) discussed network indicators extensively

(Porta, Crucitti, & Latora, 2006a; Sheikh, Zadeh, & Rajabi, 2013; Zhong et al., 2014). The second

kind is the agent-based simulation model. Those models started from the microscopic behavioural

issues of the individuals, such as speed, direction and visions (Antonini, Bierlaire, & Weber, 2006;

Robin, Antonini, Bierlaire, & Cruz, 2009). Thus, pedestrians’ moving choice were determined by both

destination and physical movement, which is obtained from behavioural experiments (Seyfried,

Steffen, Klingsch, & Maik Boltes, 2005). The attraction of the built environment was important in the

modelling process as well. For example, Wang, Lo, Liu, & Kuang, 2014 modelled the attraction of

different kinds of retail stores in the shopping centres. The result of the simulation fitted the real

situation of the case study area.

行人运动研究是研究步行和步行机理的重要尝试之一走路的行为。以往的研究发展了两种探索性的方法。第一个类是基于网络的模型。最著名的是空间语法(Hilliern.d.),它构建基于城市空间形态的街道网络。该方法被广泛采用用于评价建筑环境与行人运动之间的关系(Foltˆ&Piombini2007年;LermanRofè&Omer2014年)。类似的方法,如GIS网络分析(Ozbil2017)和社会网络分析(Chen&Chang2015)广泛讨论了网络指标(PortaCructtiLatora2006aSheikhZadehRajabi2013Zhong等人,2014)。第二个kind是基于agent的仿真模型。这些模型是从微观行为学出发的个人问题,如速度、方向和视野(安东尼尼、比尔莱和韦伯,2006RobinAntoniniBierlaireCruz2009年)。因此,行人的移动选择是由两者共同决定的目的地和身体运动,从行为实验中获得(SeyfriedSteffenKlingschMaik Boltes2005年)。建筑环境的吸引力在未来是很重要的以及建模过程。例如,WangLoLiuKuang2014模拟了购物中心里有各种各样的零售店。仿真结果与实际相符案例研究区域的情况。

Shan-shan, Wu1 ; Yu, Zhuang2 ; Yun-xi3 , Bai; Yan-ni, Pei4


pedestrian movement, station complex building, space syntax, social network analysis



本文来自于2018北京国际会议12SSS,文件夹‘Architectural Form’,序号143

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沙发  发表于 2021-02-02 10:59   楼主

ABSTRACT Pedestrian movement in the built environment has attracted research foci from both urban planning  and transportation. Characteristics of built environment, such as urban forms, road network system,  and building layout, can affect people’s movement in different space. Thus, the quality of the space  becomes measurable through evaluating people’s movement for design/planning purpose. Nowadays,  the built environment is becoming more complex, in which the exterior and interior space are  integrated to form a multilevel network. Studying the pedestrian movement in those areas can deepen  the understanding toward the mechanism of people’s route choice, and provide useful insights for  both spatial design and urban planning. The objective of this study is to construct a model which can  map the pedestrian flow in the station complex buildings. The space syntax and SNA (Social network  analysis) methodologies are adopted to investigate people’s movement in the built environment with  integrated exterior and interior space. The station complex buildings of Tuen Mum station, Hong  Kong is selected as case study. The network that connecting the station and surrounding function  areas (within walkable distance) is consists of road system, bridges, and interior passageways. The  indexes that evaluating the network characteristics, such as integration in space syntax and centralities  in SNA will be calculated and compared. The modelling results will be validated by the on-site survey.  The accomplished model can be used as a practical tool in designing complex space at metro station  catchment area.



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藤椅  发表于 2021-02-02 11:04   楼主


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