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运用空间句法 衡量小型城市公园的安全性 论文翻译4 [复制链接]

  • nishulin
  • 参与勋章



楼主  发表于 2021-12-24 14:27  

5 Results

5.1 The Crime Mapping of the Park

After analyzing the crime data (Table 2), results showed that crimes against oneself, like drug and alcohol abuse, were the most common crimes in the park. They can be tracked by the waste left behind (e.g. needles and bottles). In the second place came crimes against the park represented by littering, public urinating, graffiti, and vandalism including breaking tree branches, carving in trees, spraying seats and pergolas, and dismantling wooden benches and trash bins. Teenagers’ inappropriate behaviors, quarrels, and harassment followed in the third place. As for dangerous offenses against others, theft was in the lead, then armed fights, and few cases of kid’s kidnapping attempts. Crimes were mainly found at the park periphery and the west section, whereas the central area of the park was considered safe and free from criminal activities (Fig. 5).

5.2 Spatial Configurations Analysis of the Park

The result of the space depth analysis (Fig. 6-1) shows that the area around the toilet in the north and the southern section of the park had the highest depth values, indicating that these

two areas were the most spatially isolated, while the plaza in the north section and the two main paths in the center of the park had the least depth values. The rest of the park is intermediate in space depth. As for the connectivity analysis (Fig. 6-2), the two paths in the center of the park and the north plaza were the most connected areas; the entrance, the plaza in the center, and the southern section were the most disconnected areas. In regards to integration analysis shown in Figure 6-3, it was found that the most spatially integrated path is the one connecting the north

plaza with the southern section. In contrast, paths in eastern and southern parts of the park had the least integration with the other paths and spaces.

Figure 7 displays the integration value deviation, showing that half of the park integration values are close while the other half is either highly integrated or disconnected. Additionally, the intelligibility of the park was measured by investigating the relation between the connectivity of space and its integration (Fig. 8). In terms of the degree of intelligibility, the correlation coefficient between integration and connectivity was 0.70, indicating that spaces / paths with high integration are also highly connected and intelligible. However, integration and mean depth saw a negative correlation (correlation coefficient was -0.94), so did mean depth and connectivity (correlation coefficient was -0.69). The spatial configuration analyses are summarized in Table 3.

5.3 Visibility Graph Analysis

In the visibility analysis, paths and lawn areas were treated the same. It is important to note that the park cannot be seen from the surroundings due to trees, buildings, or metal sheets covering the park fence (Fig. 9).

A radial visibility distribution pattern was found in both the summer and the winter. The park center was the most visible zone, while the park periphery was the least visible section. Since there are few buildings and pergolas at the site, their impact on visibility was localized. The negative effect of the deciduous trees (black dots on the graph) can be noticed in the summer scenario (Fig. 10-1), as they shrunk highly visible areas. In the winter scenario, the eastern and western sections were more visible due to sightline penetrating the translucent tree canopies (Fig. 10-2).

5 研究结果

5.1 公园犯罪地图



5.2 公园空间布局分析


5.3 可见性图分析

