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运用空间句法 衡量小型城市公园的安全性 论文翻译3 [复制链接]

  • nishulin
  • 参与勋章



楼主  发表于 2021-12-24 14:16  

4 Case Study: Rod El Farag Park

This research selected Rod El Farag Park in Cairo City, Egypt to assess the possibility of using space syntax theory in predicting crime patterns in urban parks. The park is located in a high-density informal district, and residents here are mostly lowincome citizens. The 38,200-square meter park was built up in 1997 after the regional vegetable market was relocated outside the city. The park is a part of a service complex, with large lawn areas and plazas with wooden pergolas (Fig. 2). Although the park is highly accessible and with a reasonable entry charge, it fails to attract most locals due to its bad reputation in poor safety and offending acts. Many criminal incidents were recorded here, driving out users from utilizing some zones in the park, which echoes Johannes Knutsson’s opinion that drug users and drug dealers find parks to be appealing locations to get high or to trade[22]. The park has one entry from the main street, and a gate (always closed) connects it to Rod El Farag Cultural Center.

4.1 Research Methods

In the first section of this research, two sets of interviews were conducted: one with the park’s management staff to collect data of illegal activities that were officially recorded, and the other with the park security team to acquire information about the non-documented incidents depending on their observations and memories. The collected crime data records were for the year 2019. Some violations were intervened by police forces; the others were solved by the local security personnel or the response of other visitors. The occurring places and types of both the recorded and non-documented crime events were then identified, and used to create a crime mapping to highlight the crime distributions. Crimes in the park were categorized into 4 types: crimes against oneself, crimes against others, dangerous crimes against others, and crimes against the park (e.g. vandalism). Criminal data were coded, 0 for none, and 1 for appearance, then mapped in ArcGIS 10.3. Besides, site observations were carried out in July (summer) and December (winter) at different hours of the day to record the activities and

users’ distribution. The second section was analyzing the parameters of the spatial configuration of the park using depthmapX, and the following tools were adopted:

1) Depth graph shows the number of topological nodes that must be crossed to go from one space to another. In a depth

graph, low values mean shallowness of space, while high values mean segregation[14].

2) Integration graph showing global integration values (degrees of syntactic accessibility) measures accessibility or mathematical closeness centrality, showing how likely a particular path segments is to be the destination for those using the network based on the position of the path segment in the network[23]. It can be used to predict users’ movements or their potential destinations.

3) Connectivity graph measures the number of spaces immediately connecting a space of origin.

4) Intelligibility shows how the environment is easily navigable, which means how easy an observer can be acquainted with his / her position in any location he / she may potentially occupy within the whole spatial system[14].

5) Visibility map presents the quality of natural surveillance by either park users or commuters passing by the park[2].

In these graphs, the analysis value ranges are represented by a gradient of colors ranging from dark blue to red: dark blue indicates lowest values and red indicates highest.

The impact of vegetation on visibility, connectivity, and accessibility is complex. Looking through branches of trees and shrubs enhances the visual connection and continuity, and offers

more open sightlines when compared with doing so in urban built environments, where buildings block users’ sightlines. Site visits helped with selecting objects that may block sightlines to be added to the visibility graph, such as buildings, pergolas, kiosks, and obstructing vegetation. Seats and other site furniture were excluded as they rarely block people’s sight. based on site visits, vegetation in the site was categorized into two groups. One group is medium and large trees with dense canopies and relatively short trunks (providing low visual permeability, i.e. high opacity), which were added to the visibility map. The other group included palm trees (very high trunks), trees with small crowns and high trunks (providing low opacity), short shrubs (less than 50 cm), and ground covers, which were excluded as they do not affect sightlines. Considering that most vegetation in the park is mature and the dynamic vegetation density throughout the year would impact the visibility and the use of space, scenarios of both the summer and the winter were

implemented to acquire the fluctuation in visual connectivity with the crime pattern. The summer scenario took both evergreen and deciduous trees into consideration, while the

winter one excluded deciduous trees as they do not represent visual obstacles (Table 1). Pictures of the park trees in the summer and the winter were collected to determine the opacity of their canopies and trunk heights (Fig. 3).

4.2 Limitations

Using space syntax in landscape studies arises many predicaments, such as defining clear boundaries of spaces since they are not well defined by walls or buildings as in urban context (Fig. 4). In their research, Zhai Yujia and Perver Baran[2] proposed that boundaries between spaces are defined by spatial functions and design intentions, and they raised the question that whether to consider activity areas and pathways equally in the system. Thus, this study regarded paths and plazas equally in defining the park’s spatial configuration, excluding lawn areas that are not intended for use though some people do use. In addition, the research had to acquire locations and occurrence time of those unrecorded crimes depending on the memory of the security team, which was therefore not accurate. depthmapX is a 2D software that cannot deal with data regarding tree opacity, height, spread, or growth rate. Moreover, terrains were not included in the model. Finally, space syntax in this research ignored the superficial appearance of the environment, including surface colors and textures, and discarded the effect of activities in attracting pedestrian flows.

4 案例研究:罗德-法拉格公园

本研究选取埃及开罗市的罗德-法拉格公园(以下简称REF公园)来探索运用空间句法理论预测城市公园中犯罪行为的可能性。该公园位于一处高密度非正式聚居区,周边居民大多是低收入者。公园面积为3.82h m2,于1997年建成,场地原为当地的一座蔬菜市场。RE F公园隶属于一个服务综合体,内有大片草坪和带有木制凉亭的广场(图2)。尽管公园交通便利,门票价格合理,但由于存在安全隐患及犯罪率较高而难以吸引当地居民前来,公园内多处区域现已无人使用,反而成了犯罪分子的聚集区—正如约翰尼斯·努特森所说,许多吸毒者和贩毒者都认为公园是吸毒或毒品交易的理想场所[22]。公园只有一个通往城市主干道的入口,而通往罗德-法拉格文化中心的大门则常年关闭。

4.1 研究方法



究在ArcGIS 10.3软件中根据犯罪发生情况对公园各区域进行编码,0表示无犯罪,1表示有犯罪发生;并分别在2019年夏季(7月)和冬季(12月)一天中的不同时段对公园场地进行观察,以了解使用者活动及分布情况。第二部分是使用depthmapX软件分析公园的空间布局参数,涉及的工具主要包括:
















4.2 研究方法的局限性



