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Yujia Zhai-2019-自然步道的构成与游客分布研究 [复制链接]

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楼主  发表于 2020-12-07 23:42  

Trail configurational attributes and visitors’ spatial distribution in natural recreation area


Yujia Zhai ; Perver Korça Baran

College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Big Data and Urban Spatial Analytics LAB, Tongji University ; College of Design, North Carolina State University


KEYWORDS:Space syntax theory; Trail; Spatial distribution; GPS; Natural environment






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沙发  发表于 2020-12-07 23:44   楼主




Visitors’ expectations for social interactions in natural recreation area is diverse; for instance, some seek solitude experience, while others may expect high level of social contacts. Better understanding of users’ spatial distribution is crucial to provide different desirable social conditions to fulfil users’ needs, which is essential to natural recreation area planning and management. This study aims at investigating how trail configurational attributes may impact the spatial distribution of visitors in natural recreation areas, such as urban neighborhood parks and urban forest parks.



Utilizing space syntax theory, we first developed an approach to measure trail configurational attributes in natural environment, and then applied the approach to two types of urban parks,i.e.,a neighborhood park and a forest park. The approach is based on the idea of a stroke-based network, and defines the boundaries of individual spaces (trails and activity areas) in a convex map as the actual boundaries of these spaces,i.e., each curving path way segment is represented with a single convex space. We then measured visitors’ spatial distribution pattern using gate method and GPS trackers in two neighbourhood parks and two urban forest parks. The results indicate that pathway global integration value has a positive significant association with pathway use level in all the four parks, while pathway control value is also positively associated with trail use level in the two forest parks.

    通过空间句法理论的使用,我们首次发现了针对自然环境中步道构成分布的定量描述方法,并将这一方法运用在城市街区公园与城市森林公园这两种都市公园类型中。该方法基于步深网络,通过凸空间(convex map)定义个人空间(步道与活动空间)的实际界线,其中每个弯曲的路径的线段角度(segment)都通过单个凸空间予以表征。然后我们再通过截面计数法与GPS追踪器测算两个街区公园与两个都市森林公园中游客的空间分布模式。结果显示在四座公园中步道的全局整合度与步道的使用层级有着显著的正相关性,而两座都市森林公园中步道对空间的控制值也与步道的使用层级有正相关性。


These findings could provide direct implications for park design and management. For instance, in urban neighbourhood parks, we can locate features and facilities, such as display boards and flowers close to pathways with a high integration value, in order to serve more visitors. In park areas with a low integration and control value and tend to attract less users, we may arrange safety patrols to ensure park safety. For users who prefer to enjoy solitude, designers can incorporate peaceful areas that are connected to trails with low integration and control values, thus creating settings with fewer visitors and disturbances.



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藤椅  发表于 2020-12-07 23:49   楼主




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板凳  发表于 2021-01-12 21:59

