ABSTRACT:摘要: Temples, in the past, had a priority over other types of buildings in most ancient cultures. However, in the early ages of monotheistic religions, religious buildings were considered merely as gathering places for people to pray. However, throughout history, sacred meanings were ascribed to ‘monotheistic temples’ and they have now transformed into spaces where religious authority is legitimated. Thus, monotheistic temples were dissociated from other buildings like their ancient counterparts. Likewise, it can be said that religious authority is dissociated from congregation. System’s continuity depends on the potential energy difference between authority and congregation, which is highly undesirable for the profane world. This situation provides some privileges to authority but in return authority has to legitimize its existence continuously. Although the distinction between sacred and profane exists, the situation is a gameplay in today’s rather secular world. Intersection between authority and congregation is mostly visible when rituals take place, and space becomes the field of the game. Sequences of space and sequences of events are normally independent systems. If sequences of events are liable to predefined programs, then components of the space become a ‘decoration’. In fact, religious rituals are strictly defined programs and enforce their existence over space. This way, space becomes an instrument for authority to legitimize their power. Moreover, configuration of the space becomes a component of the power game. 在远古时代,神庙相较其它类型的建筑在社会文化中有着最高的优先级。然而,在一神教的早期发展阶段,宗教建筑仅仅被视为聚集信徒与祈祷的场所。但随着历史的演进,“一神教神庙”又被附着了神圣价值,并被转换为了构筑宗教领袖存在合理性的空间。因此,一神教神庙也得以从远古建筑类型中独立出来。同样的,也可以说明宗教领袖与信徒大众产生了分离。信仰系统的完整性依赖于利用被世俗世界所高度抵触的、领袖与信徒之间的潜能差异,它在为领袖提供特权的同时也要求权威不断证明自身存在的合理性。尽管在宗教与世俗之间存在着差异,但在愈发世俗化的世界中它已近乎一场游戏。宗教领袖与信徒间的交互在举行仪式时便已大多可见,仪式空间也自然成为了游戏的场所。此外,空间的序列与宗教仪式的序列往往相互独立。如果仪式的序列能够对行事程序形成限定,那么部分的空间便沦为了“装饰”。实际上,宗教仪式都对行事程序有着严格的限定,并将自身强加于空间之上。以此,空间便沦为了宗教领袖替自身权力构筑合理性的容器。空间的构成也同样沦为了权力游戏中的一个部分。 In this paper, the relation between religious authority and congregation is analysed during rituals, grounded on cross readings of syntactic and observation data. Four actively used temples located in Istanbul have been chosen to be observed: a synagogue; an Assyrian church; a mosque: and an Alevi cemevi. Spatial potentials of these temples are compared to each other for religious authority and congregation respectively. The aim is to attempt to understand if monotheistic religions’ understanding of power and authority reflects their space configuration. Indeed. nuances have been observed between temples spatial configuration and the understanding of power which is semantically valuable. 本文将基于空间句法与实际观察数据的综合理解对宗教仪式中宗教领袖与信徒大众的关系进行分析。我们将对伊斯坦布尔四个选定的“香火旺盛”的神庙展开观测:一座犹太教堂、一座景教教堂(基督教使徒教会教堂)、一座逊尼派礼拜寺以及一座什叶派礼拜寺(什叶阿列维派礼拜厅)。通过各自的宗教领袖与信徒大众行为,从而比较各个神庙的空间潜力。研究的目标在于尝试辨析各个一神教对权力与权威的理解是否与其空间构成相对应。同时神庙空间构造细微差异的观察与权力理解的解读在语义上也都非常具有研究价值。
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2020-12-07ABSTRACT摘要 Visitors’ expectations for social interactions in natural recreation area is diverse; for instance, some seek solitude experience, while others may expect high level of social contacts. Better understanding of users’ spatial distribution is crucial to provide different desirable social conditions to fulfil users’ needs, which is essential to natural recreation area planning and management. This study aims at investigating how trail configurational attributes may impact the spatial distribution of visitors in natural recreation areas, such as urban neighborhood parks and urban forest parks.游客对自然休憩空间中社交行为的期望是丰富多样的:有些人在其中寻求独处的体验,而有些人却希望在其中进行更深入的社会交往。更好的了解游客的空间分布对于构建满足游客多样要求的社会情景尤为关键,也对基于游客需求的自然休憩区域规划与管理起着举足轻重的作用。本研究致力于探讨步道的构成分布对游客在诸如城市街区公园、城市森林公园等自然休憩空间中的分布可能产生的影响。 Utilizing space syntax theory, we first developed an approach to measure trail configurational attributes in natural environment, and then applied the approach to two types of urban parks,i.e.,a neighborhood park and a forest park. The approach is based on the idea of a stroke-based network, and defines the boundaries of individual spaces (trails and activity areas) in a convex map as the actual boundaries of these spaces,i.e., each curving path way segment is represented with a single convex space. We then measured visitors’ spatial distribution pattern using gate method and GPS trackers in two neighbourhood parks and two urban forest parks. The results indicate that pathway global integration value has a positive significant association with pathway use level in all the four parks, while pathway control value is also positively associated with trail use level in the two forest parks. 通过空间句法理论的使用,我们首次发现了针对自然环境中步道构成分布的定量描述方法,并将这一方法运用在城市街区公园与城市森林公园这两种都市公园类型中。该方法基于步深网络,通过凸空间(convex map)定义个人空间(步道与活动空间)的实际界线,其中每个弯曲的路径的线段角度(segment)都通过单个凸空间予以表征。然后我们再通过截面计数法与GPS追踪器测算两个街区公园与两个都市森林公园中游客的空间分布模式。结果显示在四座公园中步道的全局整合度与步道的使用层级有着显著的正相关性,而两座都市森林公园中步道对空间的控制值也与步道的使用层级有正相关性。 These findings could provide direct implications for park design and management. For instance, in urban neighbourhood parks, we can locate features and facilities, such as display boards and flowers close to pathways with a high integration value, in order to serve more visitors. In park areas with a low integration and control value and tend to attract less users, we may arrange safety patrols to ensure park safety. For users who prefer to enjoy solitude, designers can incorporate peaceful areas that are connected to trails with low integration and control values, thus creating settings with fewer visitors and disturbances. 这些研究成果对于公园的设计与管理有着切实的意义。例如,在城市社区公园中,我们可以通过更好的规划场地特征与场地设施,例如在整合度价值高的步道旁设置花丛与告示板以服务更多的游客,而在公园中整合度与控制值较低的、游客稀少的区域我们也会安排巡逻已确保公园的安全。对于更喜欢独处的使用者,设计者也可以将低整合度与控制值步道旁的空间与平和的空间相整合,以此来创造一个人迹较少从而免于打扰的场所。
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