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DEMET YESILTEPE—2019— 全球地标影响研究 [复制链接]

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楼主  发表于 2020-12-23 09:12  

USAGE OF LANDMARKS IN VIRTUALENVIRonMENTS FOR WAYFINDING:Research on the influence of global landmarks 

在虚拟环境中使用地标来寻路: 全球地标影响的研究


THE USA Architecture Dsegin Institute Co.Ltd


KEYWORDS Wayfinding, Local Landmarks, Global Landmarks, Virtual Environments. 


本文来自于第十二届空间句法北京会议,文件夹“Region and City" ,序号220-1



https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jPyIIkzU_Ly1m9zSLcW63Q 提取码:87ev

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沙发  发表于 2020-12-23 09:15   楼主



The role of global landmarks - those seen from multiple, distant points - and local landmarks - those 

viewed from a close distance - in virtual environment wayfinding has been discussed in a number of 

papers (Steck and Mallot, 2000; Hurlebaus ., 2008; Ruddle , 2011). 

在虚拟环境中寻路的作用——从多个远处观察的地标——和从近处观察的地标——已经在许多论文中讨论过(steck 和 mallot,2000; hurlebaus。2008; ruddle,2011).


Some focused on the idea that local landmarks are more effective (Ruddle , 2011); others mentioned that both global and local landmarks (Hurlebaus et al., 2008; Steck and Mallot, 2000) are influential on people’s wayfinding performance. 

一些专注于当地地标建筑更有效的理念(ruddle,2011) ; 其他人提到全球和当地地标建筑(hurlebaus et al. ,2008; steck and mallot,2000)对人们的寻路性能都有影响。



Recently, some studies focused on the importance of global landmarks and they suggested that global landmarks, as points of reference, are more useful in orientation in virtual environments (Lin et al., 2012). 





Thus, in this paper, we aim to better understand the effect of global landmarks on wayfinding. We used different virtual game-environments and compared two different conditions: the presence of local landmarks versus the presence of both global and local landmark conditions.


因此,在这篇论文中,我们旨在更好地理解全球地标对寻路的影响。我们使用了不同的虚拟游戏环境,并比较了两种不同的情况: 当地地标的存在与全球和当地地标条件的存在。


 Participants from all around the world (n=1.3 million) contributed to the study and were 

asked to view maps of environments first, then navigate a boat to find specific destinations that had 

been indicated on the maps. Environments were analyzed using axial and segment based integration, 

choice and intelligibility as well as visual connectivity and integration. In addition, segment lengths 

and the number of decision points in the map’s layout were also analyzed.

来自世界各地的参与者(n = 130万)参与了这项研究,并被要求首先查看环境地图,然后驾驶一艘船寻找地图上标明的具体目的地。环境分析使用轴向和段为基础的整合,选择和可理解性,以及视觉连接和整合。此外,还分析了地图布局中的分段长度和决策点个数。

 Levels with similar spatial values were chosen to compare the different landmark conditions. P

reliminary findings indicate that global landmarks do not appear to have a significant impact on wayfinding.


The large dataset underpinning this study contributes to our knowledge of the effect of landmarks by clarifying a gap in the literature - whether global and local landmarks or only one type of landmark are more influential on wayfinding


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藤椅  发表于 2020-12-23 09:18   楼主




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