ABSTRACT摘要Half of the world’s population currently lives in cities. While cities occupy only 3 % of the land, they account for 75 % of the global carbon emissions. Building patterns, street network design and locations of specific building functions work together in interrelated systems that have importance for both amount and modes of transport.目前世界人口的一半生活在城市。虽然城市只占土地的3%,但它们却占全球碳排放量的75%。建筑模式、街道网络设计和特定建筑功能的位置在相互关联的系统中协同工作,这些系统对交通量和交通方式都很重要。 Considerable research on urban built form related to energy use and carbon emissions have been conducted. However, this research scarcely include urban form parameters such as street network layout and building morphology as interrelated systems. Leaning on research within the field of urban form and urban morphology, as developed within space syntax research, we propose a GIS-based method to analyse conditions of urban form at neighbourhood scale that are essential to carbon emissions. 已经对与能源使用和碳排放有关的城市建筑形式进行了大量研究。 但是,这项研究很少将城市形态参数(如街道网络布局和建筑物形态)作为相互关联的系统。依靠在空间句法研究中发展的城市形态和城市形态学领域的研究,我们提出了一种基于GIS的方法来分析对碳排放至关重要的邻里规模的城市形态条件。 For developing and testing the methods, we have identified specific urban form variables related to building morphology, building densities and spatial properties of street networks and mapped and analysed these in the case of an urban development in Trondheim, Norway. In this urban development project, three teams of architects and engineers have conducted feasibility studies resulting in concrete propositions for development of the area. 为了开发和测试这些方法,我们已经确定了与建筑物形态,建筑物密度和街道网络的空间特性有关的特定城市形态变量,并针对挪威特隆赫姆市的城市发展情况进行了制图和分析。 在这个城市发展项目中,三个建筑师和工程师团队进行了可行性研究,从而为该地区的发展提出了具体建议。 The assessment method is tested in a comparative analysis of the existing situation and the three proposed scenarios. For each of the scenarios, data on population, public transport and street networks are mapped in GIS and examined by the proposed methods. 在对现有情况和三个拟议方案进行比较分析后,对评估方法进行了测试。 对于每种情况,都将人口,公共交通和街道网络的数据映射到GIS中,并通过提出的方法进行检查。 Besides space syntax measures like spatial integration of the street network, the analyses include accessibility measures of several kinds. Depending on the particular issue examined, proximity is measured both as “distance to” and as “amounts within distance”, applying Euclidian distances as well as distances along the street network. 除了空间语法措施(如街道网络的空间整合)外,分析还包括多种可访问性措施。 根据所检查的特定问题,应用欧几里得距离以及沿街道网络的距离,接近度既可以测量为“到……的距离”,也可以测量为“在距离之内的量”。 By revealing significant differences between the three projects regarding variables that according to research are decisive for carbon emissions, the proposed methods seem to be highly applicable in urban planning for a sustainable future. In conclusion, the methods applied should have potential for a proceeding development of space syntax based measures in research on sustainable urban development. 通过揭示这三个项目之间在研究变量对碳排放具有决定性意义的变量上的显着差异,所提出的方法似乎非常适用于可持续发展的城市规划。 总之,在可持续城市发展研究中,所采用的方法应具有潜在发展基于空间句法的措施的潜力。
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