ABSTRACT 摘要 How cultural patterns are reflected on domestic space has been vastly discussed in space syntax literature. The genotype analogy was developed with the underlying notion that the configurational properties of architectural function reflect patterns of use and activity that are culturally structured. 文化模式如何反应在住宅空间上,已经在空间同义词文献中广泛讨论过。基因类型分析的发展是以建筑功能的组合属性反映了文化结构的使用和活动模式为基本理念的。 The paper will further investigate this question by looking at how the domestic space is able to organise activities, and therefore individuals and groups, through the spatial division and determination of architectural function. 本文将通过研究住宅空间如何通过空间划分和建筑功能的确定来组织活动,进而组织个人和团体,来进一步探讨这个问题。 It will examine a series of interpretative inquiries on the way familiesperceived and used the domestic space, which were developed in the 1970s in portugal with the explicit aim of relating spatial attributes with the way space was used. This was not achieved at the time, and the results presented in the published documents were not able to take space into consideration. 它将研究一系列关于家庭如何看待和使用住宅空间的解释性调查,这些调查是在1970年代的葡萄牙发展起来的,其目的是将空间属性和空间使用方式联系起来。这在当时没有实现,而在发表的文件中提出的结果也无法考虑到空间的问题。 The paper focuses on two questions which were proposed at the time as being major in how relationships within the family reflect the ongoing transformation of society as a whole: the patterns of use of women in relation to the rest of the family, and of parents in relation to children. 本文着重于当时提出的两个问题,即家庭内部关系如何反映整个社会正在发生的变化的主要问题:妇女与其他家庭成员的使用模式,以及父母与子女的关系。 Exploratory data analysis will be used to understand where domestic activities take place in the house according to configurational properties and other spatial attributes of the apartment plans, as well as patterns of space use by different family members across several households. 探测性数据分析将用于了解根据公寓平面图的配置属性和其他控件属性,家庭活动在房屋中的位置,以及不同家庭成员在不同房屋中的空间使用模式。
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